Traits of Being a Good Parent

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Definition; Parent, a father or mother, gives birth, nurtures, or raises a child. A biological parent is the one whose gametes brought about the child’s existence. Biological parents are first-degree relatives. Some people become parents through adoption, where they nurture and raise a kid who is not biologically related to them.

Becoming a good parent

Characteristics of a Good Parent

  • Show affection and love. The fact is that almost all, if not all, parents love their children. You can show more love by being physically affectionate or spending quality time with your child. Tighten your relationship with your children to ensure they share their emotions with you.  Children who are loved are more likely to be open with their parents.
  •   Communicate effectively. Good parents will listen and talk to their children calmly. They will explain the reason behind a rule. Additionally, good parents allow children to express their feelings and suggestions.
  • Teach a child to be responsible. Encourage your children to finish their homework on time, help others, engage in community activities, do chores in the house, clean up, and accept the outcomes of situations.
  •   A good parent will be a good role model to his kids. Children learn from watching more than they listen. Your child will not be respectful or polite if yourself is always blown up by situations. Unfortunately, they pick every trait. Treat them how you want them to treat others.
  • Discipline their child effectively. Discipline should not be a punishment. Kids who are not disciplined are likelier to be ungrateful, spoilt, and have trouble relating to others.
  •  Good parent sees their children for whom they are. Don’t see your child as you are hoping they are. Embrace their weakness and help them work over it.  Don’t expect your child to be a star in soccer or on stage if they are a quiet reader.  It is okay to encourage your child to do something that you note is a passion to them. Push your child for the right reason. As a parent, you want your child to be successful and encourage them to follow their passion.

How to be a modern parent

Society has significantly changed. The influence of the advanced world has corrupted morals and character. The modern generation has the notion that they are wise than their parents. Also, peer pressure has become too much. Work has occupied us as parents, and we have forgotten our quality time with our children.  Amidst all this, we still want to be successful and raise responsible kids. Understanding yourself and being at peace with yourself is the first step toward good parenting.  To be a modern parent;

1.     Understand what is successful parenting

There is nothing like perfect parenting. Successful parenting is not about attaining excellence. It involves encouraging positive habits and modeling good behavior in children.  Good parenting involves consistency and patience, which influence the children to take control of their lives. Additionally, good parents focus on developing independence in their children.

2.     Spare time for your child

Don’t let your tight schedule keep you away from your kids. Spending ample time to understand your child reduces the gap between you and them. Children need time to be pampered and share anything they want with their parents. Spending time with your kid will help you note any developing behavior, which will be worked on early rather than being notified later. After all, even if you have a caretaker at home, your parental role cannot be filled by anyone.

3.     Teach morality

Every parent picks up a parenting style with the aim of raising good people in society. As a modern parent, you must teach your child how to treat others and react to the world.  Participating in religious activities helps reflect on values beyond your home.  Despite the fact that children benefit much from parents, there are things, as parents, we can struggle to achieve. Participating in institutions that engage a wider community helps a child relate to people, know how to respect people, and instill valuable skills.

4.     Discipline but not punish

5.     Setting effective screen time

6.     No academic pressure

As parents, we want our children to succeed, but we do not want to put needless stress on what they do. At every age, kids benefit from parents when they focus on improving themselves. Some children struggle in academics and strive in non-curriculum activities. We are in an era where; success is achieved through hard work. Whether in arts or science, your child will achieve what they want if they work hard.

Children need help in understanding their strengths. If your child is good at soccer, support them to be the best footballer but do not force them to be a doctor, whom they don’t want to be.  Celebrate efforts and not smarts. Be in your child’s academic journey, and do not set unrealistic standards for them.


Being a modern parent in an era of much civilization calls for an enlightened mindset.  It is important to lead by example. Do not set screen time for your child while yourself is always on screen. As parents, you are the digital role models. Parenting is not about perfection, however, view your parental role positively. Know your child, and talk to your child. Additionally, help them to negotiate decisions that will make them keep doing what they want and what is meaningful. Remember, children fall easily into peer pressure, and it’s our role to keep their awe.