Setting Effective screen time; Is Cocomelon Good for kids?

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Screen time for kids

Screen time describes all the acts of being physically inactive and watching a screen while seated. It may include playing video games, watching TV, or working on computers.  Screen time can be tempting, especially to new parents, as a method of keeping their babies occupied, but there are side effects of too much screen time for your child.  

Is Watching too much TV dangerous for my Child?

By too much watch time, it means more than three hours per day. Depending on the content the child is watching, children can adopt negative behaviors. Too much screen is linked to sleep problems, behavior problems, and poor grades. Some commercials and programs show risky behavior, which could affect the child’s behavior.

Screen time

Too much screen time for your child can;

  • Raise the risk of obesity since the baby is sitting down the whole time.
  • Raise the risk of depression, or anxiety-related problems
  • Make it hard for the child to sleep at night.
  • Reduce the term for human interaction, which is the only ideal way for a child to learn.

As a parent, put efforts into reducing the harm of digital media to your child. Monitor their screen time pattern and encourage them to engage in physical activities like more fun play.

How many hours of TV should your baby watch?

 According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children aged two years and below should not have any screen time, while children over 2 years should limit their screen time to 1 to 2 hours per day. Unfortunately, even the videos aimed at very young children do not enhance their development.

Watch time for kids
1-2 hours is enough watch time for your kid

Children learn from human interactions and do have no much learning from screens. However, when screen time is interactive, with parents talking about the scenes on the screen, then watching is okay. Older children can benefit from educational and helpful programs.

Is Coco melon good for a baby?


There is not enough data to support that Coco melon overstimulates your child. The key to effective parenting is monitoring your child. All children are different. Pay attention to their reaction and if they are distressed, intervene. Always remember to limit the watch time and emphasize physical play and interaction, which is more beneficial.

8 Tips for setting Effective Screen Time for your kids

You may be in a situation where your kid is already addicted and wondering how to break the addiction. An addicted child will take 1-4 weeks to engage in other activities comfortably. Children need humans for conversation, not screens. A controlled watch time is recommended. Below are tips to control screen time for your child.

  • Limit screen time to 1 or 2 hours for kids who are 2 years and above.
  • Watch educational programs with your kids, not just shows.
  • Choose the program your kid is to watch
  • Don’t assume that all cartoons are appropriate. Many cartoons teach negative behavior like violence.
  • Be a good example by limiting your watch time as well
  • Engage your child while they are not watching for them to find fun in other activities
  • Turn off a program you believe is not appropriate for your child.
  • Don’t let your child have their meals while watching something