Are you enjoying Motherhood? Enjoying Motherhood does not translate to loving your kids. You definitely love them. It means you are proud of yourself and happy with whom you are. Being a mom, especially a stay-at-home mom means dealing with diapers, cries, tantrums, and quilt of not doing something right. It is more overwhelming when you are a working mom, since sometimes you feel like your kids will become a mess for you not being there 24/7.
The motherhood phase can be described as lots of sleepless nights, early mornings, and less alone time. You often desire to sit alone and enjoy your ‘me’ time, but your kids want your attention. Relax, don’t worry; this article gives you some ideas on how you can enjoy your Motherhood.

10 Ways you can Enjoy Motherhood
1. Exercise often
Regular exercise will boost your body’s energy. Motherhood demands you to be selfless. The little humans depend on you for safety and warmth. It can be challenging, which sometimes causes us to forget the importance of self-care. An exercise is a form of self-care. It causes the release of the happy hormone, which is the best medicine for depression and low moods. Whether at the gym or jogging, you enjoy your me time. More so, exercising helps you keep your body fit, boosting your self-confidence.
2. Prioritize self-care
Taking care of your physical and emotional needs is essential to your wellbeing and ability to care for your baby. Make sure you eat healthy, well-balanced meals, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep. Take some time to relax and do something you enjoy, whether reading a book, bathing, or walking.
3. Wake up Before your kids.
Morning chores can be overwhelming. Your baby will wake up hungry, will need a diaper change, and they will need to brush their teeth. When cooking breakfast, glooming up yourself, and caring for the baby collide, it may leave you tired or in a messy situation, which ruins your day. Waking up a few minutes before your children helps you prepare breakfast, or gloom up yourself when the kids are still sleeping. You will be happy and ready to start an organized day when the kids wake up.
4. Have honest friends
You can connect with other mothers who will help you enjoy your motherhood journey. There are online communities or local parenting groups where you can share your experiences and challenges with other mothers. Having honest friends makes Motherhood enjoyable and less isolating.
5. Celebrate every milestone
No matter how small the milestone is, celebrate it. Whether your baby makes the first steps or when they go to school, reflect on your motherhood journey and appreciate every step. Don’t be so hard on yourself; understand that Motherhood is a learning process. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you are doing your best.
6. Be realistic with your commitments.
Setting realistic expectations will help you enjoy Motherhood more. You cannot be a perfect mom or be like the other moms. Every child and mother is unique, and it is wise to embrace your journey as it is. Be realistic on your financial goals putting in mind that your children need you.
7. Embrace the God’s Calling
However chaotic it may seem, it’s God’s way of trusting you with one of his souls. It is okay; whether joyful or chaotic, being a mother is a blessing. Appreciate the messy house and unorganized toys, for it won’t last forever. It is just a matter of time then your kids outgrow the stage. You will miss them in the future.
8. You are not perfect; neither are your kids.
Always take one day at a time. Focus on something other than what will happen in the future but focus on the present. Focus on the things you can control. This will help you reduce stress, be a present mom and enjoy your motherhood journey.
9. Don’t compare yourself to other moms.
The thief of joy is comparison. Yes, you will not enjoy your parenting and Motherhood if you keep comparing what other moms are doing to themselves or their kids. You are unique, and so are your kids. Walk your journey in your capabilities and wisdom.
You don’t have to be a stay-at-home mom because another mom quit her job to care for the family. Sit down, talk to your partner about your situation, and agree on a way forward. Remember that raising children is financially demanding.
10. Ask for help
It is okay to ask for help when things become too much. Even as a stay-at-home mom, you can hire a nanny to help with chores. Ask a friend to come along and help you as you take some time for yourself. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming, but you got it. You are a great mom, and no one should criticize you for asking for help.
Final Thoughts
Enjoying Motherhood means finding a balance in your life. It means prioritizing your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. A happy mom raises happy children. Create an enjoyable environment for your family by enjoying your Motherhood.