Stay at Home Moms VS the Working Moms
Moms are constantly criticized for their parenting style. Some moms fear their ability to balance work and family life. In these tough economic times, mothers are worried about leaving their jobs as full-time stay-at-home parents.
How Children of Working Moms and Stay at home Moms Differ.

Various reasons affect the development of a child. Responsive parenting plays a huge role in building a stronger foundation for our children. Do you comfort them when they cry? Do we show them affection and love? Do you spend time engaging them and showing them positive values like sharing? Do we lead by example? Are we exposing them to healthy relationships?
How we interact with our children is significant. They depend on us for everything, and we are the most important people in their lives. Our society is quick to judge us on how we raise our children. It is hilarious when a working mom is criticized for not being with their kids the whole time. Also, a working mom can look down on a stay-at-home mom.
We need to understand that motherhood is not a competition. Being a stay-at-home mom or working mom does not mean one is more responsible than the other. We are all doing what we can for the good of our children. Hence, working or stay-at-home moms should not be judged.
Research has proved that there is no difference between the development of a child whose mother is a stay-at-home and whose mother is working. As long as you are engaged in your child’s life and at peace with yourself, don’t listen to society’s critics.
Working moms will call halfway through the day to know how their child’s day is coming along. Working moms have their kids in mind, whether with a helper at home or the child at daycare. When they get home, all house chores are waiting, cooking, washing, and giving the necessary support to the kids. Quality time spent with kids means a lot to them; this time can be spent engaging and teaching each other more.
No matter what, you are a Great Mom
Before you judge a working mom for not taking care of their kids 24/7, understand her sanity and let her peace of mind prevail. At the end of it all, we are all moms advocating for responsive parenting. Mothers with jobs tend to be happier and at peace than stay-at-home moms. At the end of the day, being at peace with yourself matters in responsive parenting.
Motherhood is more than who stays at home and who goes to work. You need to be at peace with why you are going to work and not staying at home with your kids and vice versa. Instead of judging a mom’s decision, think about why she chose that. We all have a common goal: raising a happy and healthy family.