Danger Signs in Pregnancy: Know When to Seek Medical Help

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Vaginal Bleeding

Symptoms of vaginal bleeding are; clots from the vagina, back pain, cramping, and heavy bleeding. It is important to seek medical attention immediately when you experience vaginal bleeding. If you experience the symptoms listed, contact your doctor right away.

Severe Nausea and Vomiting

Severe abdominal pain

Cramping and abdominal discomfort are common in pregnancy. However, if the pain is severe, you need immediate medical attention. Several factors cause severe abdominal pain, like; ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, urinary tract infection, preeclampsia, and preterm labor. 

pregnant woman

Severe abdominal pain in pregnancy is dangerous to both the mother and baby if not treated immediately. It can lead to low birth weight, preterm birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, and maternal hemorrhage. If you experience severe abdominal pains, seek medical attention immediately.

Severe headache and vision changes

Decreased fetal movement

A pregnant woman should monitor her baby’s movement, and if you don’t feel them, contact her doctor. If there is a decrease in the baby’s movements or abnormal movements, please get in touch with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

High fever

high fever during pregnancy's
Pregnant woman experiencing fever

A high fever during pregnancy can be a danger sign that requires prompt medical attention. It can be caused by; infections, allergies, and other conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. High fever is dangerous since it can lead to preterm labor, fetal distress, miscarriage or stillbirth, and neural tube defects in the baby. Seek medical attention if your fever is high and you are experiencing symptoms like sweating, shaking, or pain during urination.

Preterm labor

Preterm labor is often caused by; infections such as UTI or STIs, previous preterm delivery, cervical insufficiency whereby the cervix opens too soon, and multiple pregnancies. Seek immediate medical attention when symptoms of preterm labor occur.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is preeclampsia, and how can you treat it?

What should I do if I experience bleeding during pregnancy?

There are two reasons for bleeding in pregnancy. First, in early pregnancy, during the implantation, you may experience some spotting, which is normal. Second, miscarriage can cause bleeding. You should monitor the bleeding and the color of the blood. Visit your doctor as soon as possible if it goes beyond spotting.

Is it normal to swell during pregnancy?

Yes, it is normal to experience some swelling, especially in the legs, feet, and fingers. However, excessive swelling is a dangerous sign. Dangerous swelling includes; severe swelling in hands, feet, and face, swelling accompanied by pain, headache or blurred vision, and decreased urination.

When should I seek medical attention during pregnancy?

Seek medical attention immediately after you find out you are pregnant and for a medical checkup. Also, seek medical attention when any of the above danger signs occur.

Wrap up!

It is important to be aware of the danger signs of pregnancy and to seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of them. Remember, early detection and treatment can prevent serious complications and save lives. So, stay alert, stay healthy, and enjoy your pregnancy!