Cryptic Pregnancy: The Hidden Pregnancy Phenomenon

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Images of cryptic pregnancy's belly

What is Cryptic Pregnancy

Reasons why Cryptic Pregnancy can Occur

  1. If someone has recently given birth, it may take time for hormones to go back to its normal cycle. During this time, they may start ovulating without knowing.
  2. Perimenopause causes irregular hormone cycles leading to cryptic pregnancy. Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to menopause when a woman’s body undergoes significant hormonal changes. It typically starts in the late 30s or early 40s, but it can start as early as the mid-30s or as late as the 50s. During this period, the ovaries produce less estrogen, leading to irregular periods and other hormonal changes that can impact a woman’s overall health and well-being.
  3. If someone is on hormonal birth control, they may get pregnant after unprotected sex.  If they continue taking birth control, they may not experience any symptoms or pregnancy and hence have a cryptic pregnancy.
  4. Stress can also be a reason behind cryptic pregnancy. Stress influences hormones hence disrupts the symptoms of pregnancy.
  5. Low body fat can also cause a hormonal imbalance causing pregnancy with no symptoms.
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome which causes irregular hormonal cycles is also another cause of cryptic pregnancy. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects the ovaries. It is characterized by the presence of multiple small cysts on the ovaries. These cysts are follicles that have not fully developed, so ovulation does not occur regularly.
  7. Though least among them, denial of pregnancy is a psychological condition that occurs when a person mentally believes they are not pregnant despite tests turning out positive.

How Can a Woman Not Know That She is Pregnant?

People often wonder how on earth a woman can be pregnant and not know about it. Some of the reasons that increase the chances of a woman not knowing include;

Lack of pregnancy symptoms

One of the key characteristics of a cryptic pregnancy is the lack of typical pregnancy symptoms, which can make it difficult for women to realize they are pregnant. While some women may experience mild symptoms such as fatigue or mild nausea, others may experience no symptoms at all.

There are several reasons why women with cryptic pregnancies may not experience typical pregnancy symptoms. For one, the levels of pregnancy hormones such as hCG may be lower than in a typical pregnancy. Additionally, the placenta may be smaller or located in a different area than in a typical pregnancy, which can impact the production of pregnancy hormones and result in fewer symptoms.

Another possible explanation is that women with cryptic pregnancy may simply be less sensitive to pregnancy hormones, meaning they may not experience typical symptoms even if hormone levels are higher.

The lack of pregnancy symptoms can make it difficult for women to suspect they are pregnant, especially if they are not actively trying to conceive.

Assumptions of intermittent spotting for a light period

Some women with cryptic pregnancies may experience irregular bleeding or spotting, which can be mistaken for a period.

No enlarged baby bump

Women with cryptic pregnancies may have a small or retroverted uterus, making detecting a growing fetus difficult. In some cases, women with cryptic pregnancies do not show any visible signs of pregnancy. It makes it difficult for friends or family to recognize the pregnancy.

Not feeling baby kicks.

In cryptic pregnancy, some women report to not having felt the baby kick. Women with this kind of pregnancy may have a smaller or differently positioned uterus, making it difficult to feel fetal movement.

Inconclusive Ultrasound


Sometimes, ultrasound can fail to locate a fetus. If the previous tests have been negative, a technician may not be keen on checking and fail to see the fetus. Other reasons for inconclusive ultrasound are the occurrence of a technical glitch or If your uterus has an irregular shape.

Diagnosing Cryptic Pregnancy

Diagnosing cryptic pregnancy can be challenging, as the woman may not display any pregnancy symptoms such as weight gain, morning sickness, or changes in her menstrual cycle. It is often only discovered during routine medical check-ups, ultrasounds, or when the woman goes into labor.

Also, a woman can detect a cryptic pregnancy by conducting multiple pregnancy tests. Often, it is advisable to use morning urine to test for pregnancy. If you suspect of any pregnancy, you can test several times to be sure of it.

Pregnancy Test

False negative pregnancy tests can also be a contributing factor to the difficulty in diagnosing cryptic pregnancy. To prevent false negative pregnancy results, take the pregnancy test correctly. Also, if you suspect of having cryptic pregnancy, seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.  

Some Common Symptoms of Cryptic Pregnancy

Just like a normal pregnancy, a woman with cryptic pregnancy will experience the normal symptoms. However, they are milder and often attributed to other causes such exhaustion, contraception or diet changes.

Some of the symptoms include;


Tender breasts

Frequent urination


Morning sickness

Slight addition of weight



Emotional Impact of Cryptic Pregnancy

For partners and family members, learning about a cryptic pregnancy can also be a stressful and emotional experience. They may feel confused, worried, and uncertain about what the future holds.

Coping Mechanisms for Individuals and Families

When faced with trauma of unexpected pregnancy, coping mechanisms can be helpful for the individuals and their families. Some of the coping strategies include talking to a therapist, seeking support from friends and living in healthy ways to manage your stress.

Open conversations can be helpful in helping these individuals navigate the emotional effect of cryptic pregnancy. Support groups and resources are available for individuals and families dealing with cryptic pregnancy. These may include online support groups, in-person support groups, and counselling services.

Concerns Surrounding Cryptic Pregnancy

Cryptic pregnancy can present some concerns to a woman and the doctor.

  1. A woman may lack to attend her antenatal care. Without proper medical attention, fetal growth fails to be monitored and potential health issues may arise.
  2. Women with cryptic pregnancy are susceptible to complications such as postpartum haemorrhage, fetal distress or premature birth during delivery. It is worse due to the fact that even the doctors may not have any medical records.  
  3. A baby’s unexpected arrival in a cryptic pregnancy can present financial and social challenges for women and their families. Women may not have the necessary resources and support systems in place to care for a newborn baby, and may struggle with the social and emotional impact of an unexpected pregnancy.
  4. Lack of awareness and understanding of cryptic pregnancy can lead to psychological and emotional challenges for women and their families.
  5. If a woman decides to put the baby up for adoption, there maybe concerns surrounding the health of the baby. This is especially if the mother do not have any records of antenatal care.

Some Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Cryptic Pregnancy

Ethical concerns surrounding cryptic pregnancy include issues related to informed consent, medical confidentiality, and the right to privacy. In cases where a woman with cryptic pregnancy does not disclose the pregnancy, it raises questions of informed consent and the ability of the mother to make decisions on behalf of the child.

Medical confidentiality and the right to privacy can come into play in cases where healthcare providers may be aware of the pregnancy but the mother does not wish to disclose the information (still in denial). This can raise ethical questions about the obligation of healthcare providers to disclose information, particularly if it may impact the health and well-being of the child.

Cryptic pregnancy can present legal implications in cases where the mother did not disclose the pregnancy, particularly in cases where the mother is not the child’s legal guardian. For example, if a woman with cryptic pregnancy gives birth and puts the child up for adoption without disclosing the pregnancy, it can lead to legal challenges and potential custody battles.

Also, if the woman does not receive proper antenatal care, it is possible to cause legal action if the child is born with complications. It can raise questions of medical malpractice or neglect. This will mainly occur to mothers in denial, who knew they were pregnant and failed to seek medical attention.

Final Thoughts

Cryptic pregnancies exist but are very uncommon. Most people do not know about them. If you monitor your symptoms and suspect you are pregnant, use home testing methods to confirm. If they fail and symptoms still occur, seek medical help for an ultrasound or blood test. Seek help if in denial or find out you are pregnant and it affects your emotional well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a cryptic pregnancy be prevented?

 Cryptic pregnancy is a rare phenomenon that occurs due to various factors, and as such, it cannot be prevented. However, seeking regular medical care and staying informed about your reproductive health can help in the early detection and management of cryptic pregnancy.

Can a woman have a cryptic pregnancy more than once?

 A woman can have a cryptic pregnancy more than once, although it is rare.

Can you have periods when having cryptic pregnancy?

No, cryptic pregnancies are similar to normal pregnancies. You may experience spotting. If you have irregular periods in the past, you can assume the pregnancy for just an irregular period.

How common is cryptic pregnancy?
 How can healthcare providers better detect cryptic pregnancy?

Healthcare providers can consider using more sensitive pregnancy tests, such as a blood test, if they suspect a cryptic pregnancy. Additionally, providers can be trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of cryptic pregnancy and ask about any history of missed or irregular periods. It is important for healthcare providers to provide informed consent to their patients and educate them about the possibility of cryptic pregnancy.

Can cryptic pregnancy affect the baby’s health?

Yes, if unaware, the mother will not receive a proper pre-natal care as required. Individuals with cryptic pregnancy should receive proper prenatal care to monitor the baby’s health and identify any potential complications. Lack of prenatal care can increase the risk of adverse outcomes for both the mother and the baby.

 Is there support available for individuals with cryptic pregnancy and their families?

 Yes, there are support groups and resources available for individuals with cryptic pregnancy and their families. These resources can provide emotional support, information, and guidance for coping with the challenges of cryptic pregnancy. Some examples of support groups include The Cryptic Pregnancy Support Group and the Facebook group “Cryptic Pregnancy – We Exist”. Additionally, healthcare providers can provide referrals to support services in the community.


Del Giudice M. (2007). The evolutionary biology of cryptic pregnancy: A re-appraisal of the “denied pregnancy” phenomenon. Medical hypotheses, 68(2), 250–258.

Mona Rautelin, Cryptic Pregnancies and their Legal Consequences in Pre-Modern Finland, Social History of Medicine, Volume 28, Issue 4, November 2015, Pages 663–685,