Best family planning and Birth Control methods.
Birth control methods are available in various forms; Hormonal contraception, permanent contraception, emergency contraception, barrier methods, and long-acting reversible contraception. Choosing the best family planning method will need you to involve a doctor for further advice. Family planning services are free or affordable in any government hospital. At a private hospital, they will charge you a small fee. Safe birth control methods are ideal for preventing unwanted pregnancies. Many sexually active men and women should be informed about preventing unplanned pregnancies.
According to a report by the Ministry of Health in April 2022, adolescent engagement in sexual activities has increased. 4 in 10 adolescents have ever had sex in their lifetime, 13.4 % already have children, and 2% are already pregnant. 40% did not use any method to prevent pregnancy. The median age of engagement in sexual activities is 17.5 years.
With the high prevalence of adolescent pregnancy, birth control methods information should be passed on to sexually active adolescents. Although we should teach them to abstain before marriage, today’s generation has become so exposed that persuasive waves sweep them.
Factors to Consider when Choosing a Birth Control method.
- How much does it cost? Can your insurance pay for it?
- What are the health risks? Consult a doctor and remember that what works for others might not work for you and vice versa.
- Will your partner accept the birth control method?
- How often do you engage in sex?
- What is the certainty of the method in preventing pregnancy?
- Will you accept the pregnancy if the method fails?
- Are you preventing pregnancy or Sexually Transmitted Infections too?
Non-Hormonal Contraception- Intrauterine Device
The non-hormonal contraception method includes the IUD. The IUD is a small T-Shaped copper placed in the uterus by a doctor. It may be left in place for 2-12 years. It is so tiny that your partner will not feel it during intercourse. This contraception is commonly known as coil.

IUDs are safe and work very well. It is more than 99% effective. Only 1 out of 100 women report pregnancy while using IUD. It is reversible, and you will immediately return to fertility after IUD removal.
The main disadvantage of using an IUD is that your period may become painful, heavier, and longer, though it happens for the first few months. The insertion process may be uncomfortable, but inserting only takes a minute or two.
Barrier Methods
Barrier methods entail blocking the sperm from reaching the uterus. The main method is using a condom. There is a male, the most common, and a female condom. To prevent pregnancy, condoms must be worn the whole time during sex. Condoms can be bought from most chemists or shops near you. Some clinics offer condoms for free, and you do not need a prescription to get one.

The female condom is placed inside the vagina and should be left in place for 7 to 8 hours after intercourse. Your gynae should advise you on the right size for you.
Hormonal Methods
These methods use both estrogen or progestin or progestin only. You will need a prescription to get hormonal birth control methods. These hormones prevent a woman from releasing an ovum during her cycle, progestins prevent the sperm from meeting the egg by thickening the cervical mucus. They include;
Birth control pills
These pills contain estrogen and progesterone hormones that prevent ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an ovum during the monthly menstrual cycle of a woman. Pregnancy will not occur if no egg is released for fertilization.
The pills should be taken same time every day. They are effective when taken consistently every day. They also lower the risks of uterine or ovarian cancer. Though temporary, some women report nausea as an immediate side effect.
Progestin injections
They are injected in the upper arm once every month.
They are small rods implanted under the skin. They release hormones to prevent ovulation.
Emergency contraception / Morning after pill
The emergency contraception pill work by delaying or preventing ovulation. If the ovulation has already happened, it prevents the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm. The pill can be used 72 hours after engaging in unprotected sex. They are available at chemists and can be bought without a prescription.

The morning-after pill only prevents pregnancy after sex but won’t prevent pregnancy from sex after taking the pill.
Vaginal ring
This is a flexible ring is about 5 cm, placed in the vagina, and releases estrogen and progestin.
Permanent Contraception
Permanent birth control methods are best for women or men who feel they no longer want to have children, for they prevent all future pregnancies and are irreversible. They include; tubal ligation or vasectomy.
Vasectomy is done on men and involves a surgical procedure of cutting the tubes that carry sperm. Cutting the tubes means that no sperm will be transported during ejaculation. The procedure will last around 25 minutes.
Final Thoughts
Note that birth control methods do not prevent you from contracting HIV/AIDS or STIs. If you have multiple sexual partners, it is safe to have protected sex, preventing you from contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Consult a doctor to know more about each family planning method. Engaging your partner before settling for any birth control is advisable.