Authoritarian Parenting Style; Characteristics and its Effects

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Authoritarian parenting style

 Characteristics of Authoritarian Parenting Style

Authoritarian parents tend to lack warmth with their children. Children are expected to be constantly obedient. Some of the authoritarian parents’ characteristics include;

  1. Strict rules- these parents put strict rules for children to follow and offer little room for pardon. Sometimes the rules are heavy and overbearing.
  2. Demanding – a good example is when a parent demands a child to do well in school or a sport and lacks patience with them.
  3. Full control- Although parents should be in control in the family, authoritarian parents control their kids way too much. Rather than doing things as a team, they want kids to obey what they say.
  4. Do not explain a specific rule or expectation -authoritarian parents want kids to follow the rules without questions. When their children ask why they say ‘Because I said so’.
  5. Give harsh punishments – these parents punish their children whenever they misbehave, the punishment is often severe than warranted.

Effects of Authoritarian Parenting Style on Children



Authoritarian parenting style provides a disciplined environment for the child to grow up in. The strict rules and high expectations ensure that the child learns to be responsible and disciplined.

High Achievement

The high expectations set by the parents in the authoritarian parenting style, pushes the child to achieve their goals. This parenting style encourages the child to aim high and work hard towards achieving their goals.

Respect for Authority

The authoritarian parenting style instills a sense of respect for authority in the child. The child learns to obey rules and follow instructions from authority figures like parents, teachers, and elders.


Low Self-Esteem

Children raised with an authoritarian parenting style often have low self-esteem. The constant criticism and punishments can make them feel inadequate and incapable of making their own decisions.

Rebel Behavior

 Children raised with authoritarian parents are more likely to rebel against authority figures and rules. They may indulge in risk-taking behaviors and engage in activities that their parents deem unacceptable.

Poor Communication

 The authoritarian parenting style does not encourage open communication between parents and children. Children raised with this parenting style may have difficulty expressing their feelings and emotions, leading to poor communication with others. Authoritarianism creates poor social skills lack of empathy because there is no any explanation from parents on rules and boundaries.

High self-critic

Children of authoritarian parents tend to be perfectionists, leading to anxiety, rebellion and relationship struggles. Perfectionism drives self-doubt, leading to unhealthy comparisons of self to peers.  

Alternatives to Authoritarian Parenting Style

warmth and support

Critics of authoritarian parenting say that it is harmful on children and causes anxiety, low self-esteem and difficulty in coping with anger. Although this style is considered negative, there are some benefits as seen above. Some children from authoritarian parents tend to do well as compared to neglected children. Children need rules and expectations for them to learn how to cope at home and in the society. If only authoritarian parents could maintain some of their strictness but incorporate some warmth and understanding, their children would do better.

Final Thoughts

The authoritarian parenting style has its pros and cons. While it can provide discipline, high achievement, and respect for authority, it can also lead to low self-esteem, rebel behavior, and poor communication. It’s essential to consider your child’s needs and behavior before deciding on a parenting style. A mix of parenting styles based on the child’s needs can sometimes work better. Ultimately, a healthy and loving environment is crucial for a child’s growth and development, regardless of the parenting style used.


Can authoritarian parenting be effective in certain situations?

 Yes, authoritarian parenting can be effective when the child needs structure and discipline, such as in behavior problems or academic underachievement. However, it should be balanced with warmth and responsiveness to ensure the child’s emotional well-being.

 Is the authoritarian parenting style good for my child?

 The authoritarian parenting style may work for some children but not for others. It depends on the child’s temperament and personality. It’s essential to consider your child’s needs and behavior before deciding on a parenting style.

How can parents who use an authoritarian parenting style shift towards a more balanced approach?

Parents with authoritarian parenting styles can shift towards a more balanced approach by incorporating warmth, empathy, and responsiveness. This can involve listening to their child’s feelings and needs, providing praise and positive reinforcement, and using appropriate and consistent consequences. Seeking the help of a parenting coach or therapist can also help make this transition.

Can I use a mix of parenting styles?

Yes,  Parents can use a mix of parenting styles based on their child’s needs and behavior. For instance, parents can use an authoritative parenting style when the child needs support and guidance and an authoritarian one when the child needs discipline.

Is there a risk of abuse with authoritarian parenting?

 Yes, there is a risk of abuse with authoritarian parenting. When parents rely solely on punishment and control without considering their child’s needs and feelings, it can lead to emotional and even physical abuse.

 How does an authoritarian parenting style impact children’s mental health?

Children raised with an authoritarian parenting style may develop anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. They may also have difficulty expressing their feelings and emotions, leading to poor communication with others.