
Catherine Kamau is a mum and a wife. She loves kids and is intentional about authoritative parenting. The thought of starting a parenting blog began immediately after I conceived my firstborn, based on the multiple times I was on search engines reading about what to expect. In the posts, she shares her experience and lessons.

Liquid IV for Breastfeeding Mothers

Liquid IV While breastfeeding

Disclosure; This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may receive a commission from purchases through the links.  To get more information on our disclaimer policy. Liquid IV is a highly effective and convenient hydration solution that can provide breastfeeding mothers with the necessary electrolytes, fluids and nutrients needed in the breastfeeding journey. It is a specialized

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bad mouthing

Can you Lose Custody for Bad-mouthing the Other Parent

You can lose custody for bad-mouthing the other parent. However, it ultimately depends on the specific circumstances and the court’s judgment. Bad-mouthing can be considered a form of parental alienation or harmful behavior that negatively affects the child’s well-being and the co-parenting relationship.  Courts prioritize the child’s best interests when making custody decisions, and any

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