
Catherine Kamau is a mum and a wife. She loves kids and is intentional about authoritative parenting. The thought of starting a parenting blog began immediately after I conceived my firstborn, based on the multiple times I was on search engines reading about what to expect. In the posts, she shares her experience and lessons.

Montessori Parenting

The Montessori method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is an educational philosophy that focuses on fostering independence, creativity, and a love for learning.  It is based on the belief that children are naturally curious and capable of learning at their own pace when provided with the right environment and guidance. The Montessori approach emphasizes hands-on […]

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Parenting Trap

Parenting today can feel like navigating an impossible maze. For example, Sarah, a mother of two who spends her days juggling a demanding full-time job, helping her kids with school projects, chauffeuring them to activities, and ensuring her family eats healthy, home-cooked meals. On the outside, Sarah seems to have it all together, but inside,

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boundaries between biological and foster parents

Boundaries Between Foster Parents and Biological Parents

The foster care system is designed to provide temporary, safe, and nurturing homes for children who cannot live with their biological families due to various circumstances, such as neglect, abuse, or other safety concerns. During this time, both foster parents and biological parents play essential roles in the child’s life, each contributing to the child’s

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Reasonable call with non-custodial parent

What is Reasonable Phone Contact for the Non-Custodial Parent?

A reasonable phone contact schedule between a child and a non-custodial parent refers to the times and conditions under which the child and the non-custodial parent can communicate via phone or video calls. The definition of what is “reasonable” can vary depending on the family’s circumstances, the child’s age, and any existing custody or visitation

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What is a Parenting Marriage?

A “parenting marriage” is a relationship where two people are committed primarily to raising children together, but the romantic, emotional, or physical aspects of a traditional marriage may be absent or secondary. In this type of arrangement, the focus is on co-parenting effectively, providing stability for the children, and maintaining a functional household, often without

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