Search Results for: parenting styles

Gentle parenting

Gentle Parenting With Discipline; Balancing Compassion and Boundaries

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to balance your child’s needs with the demands of daily life. The idea of ‘gentle parenting’ has gained popularity recently as a way to raise well-adjusted, empathetic children without resorting to harsh discipline methods. But how can parents practice gentle parenting without losing discipline altogether? Below are some

Gentle Parenting With Discipline; Balancing Compassion and Boundaries Read More »

Authoritarian parenting style

Authoritarian Parenting Style; Characteristics and its Effects

The authoritarian parenting style is a strict parenting approach where parents set high expectations and have strict rules for their children to follow. The rules are non-negotiable, and any disobedience results in harsh punishments. This parenting style is based on the belief that children need strict rules and boundaries to become disciplined and well-behaved.  Characteristics

Authoritarian Parenting Style; Characteristics and its Effects Read More »

Authoritative parenting style

Authoritative Parenting Style; Expert Advice, Pros, and Cons.

What is Authoritative Parenting? Authoritative parenting is a parenting style that balances high expectations with warmth, empathy, and nurturing. Parents who use this style establish clear and reasonable rules and boundaries for their children while fostering a supportive and loving environment. This style is often characterized by a high level of communication between parent and

Authoritative Parenting Style; Expert Advice, Pros, and Cons. Read More »